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Our Society ever since its inception is totally committed to the cause of the poor, destitute and backward people of the target area covering Trichy, Perambalur, Ariyalur, Karur, Pudukottai, Nagai, South Arcot and Nilgris districts in Tamil Nadu with a special thrust on the uplift of children, orphans and women. To this end, the society has initiated and has been sponsoring several welfare programs in different fields. These multifarious activities have been rendered possible by the adequately resourceful, qualified, trained, experienced and above all dedicated personal under the efficient leadership of our president Fr.S.Dhanapragasam. He has spared no efforts to put forth his selfless service towards the successful implementation under the following categories.


As one of the primary objectives of the Society is to help the children of the downtrodden and the have-nots towards their education, 2 higher secondary schools one at P.K.Agaram – ANNAI ERICA HR. SEC. SCHOOL and another at S.Vinayagapuram, - INFANT JESUS HR. SEC. SCHOOL at Lalgudi Taluk, Trichy District and 4 Primary Schools at M. R. Palayam, Sunnambukarapatti and Rathinanamgudi of Trichy District,one at VRSS Puram, Perambalur district and two Nursery and Primary Schools (FATHER DHANA NURSERY & PRIMARY SCHOOL, Vinayagapuram and ANNAI ERICA NURSERY AND PRIMARY SCHOOL at PK Agaram) one middle school at Lovedale are established. In all our educational institutions, we offer the children free education. Nearly 150 staff members inclusive of both the teaching and the non-teaching ones are working in these institutions. Over 13000 students have graduated out from the above schools from 1989 to 2020

Non - formal

DPWA is running 10 Supplementary Education Centers that are being run as after school tutoring programs, in rural areas to help the education of poor children. We are extending our utmost support by way of conducting night schools and staging awareness creation dramas, other cultural programs, street plays for the grown up men and women to promote the literacy thrust actively undertaken by the Government.
Total number of beneficiaries (a+b) = 22348


Mother and Child Health Care Programme:

To ensure better health, Mother and Child Health Care program is in operation. The 20 trained staff at Trichy account for both curative and preventive health care of some 200 villages. Health awareness education given by them plays a major role in ensuring personal hygiene, environmental hygiene and better application of preventive measures.
Total number of beneficiaries = 52300

Weekly Eye Camps (Project Concluded)

Weekly eye camps are conducted both in Trichy, Perambalur and Pudukottai districts alternatively and the identified cataract patients are operated upon in AG Eye Hospital at Trichy. This eye camp team consists of 10 qualified personnel. Of them 1 is the Coordinator, 1 technician, 1 operator, 2 nurses, 3 field staff, 1 cook and one van driver. Free eye camps have been conducted benefitting a total population of 3329497 - of whom 418785 people have had their eye ailments corrected and 52420 people with cataract helped with IOL surgery in all the 1165 eye camps so far conducted.

Periodical General Health Awareness Camps:

Periodical General Health Awareness camps are conducted in partnership with Sagayamatha Hospitals, Chennai SRM Hospital and ENT Hospitals in Trichy district. 28760 people of rural villages have been benefitted in the 53 general health awareness camps conducted.
Total number of beneficiaries (a+b)= 4,99,965

Provision of Water

Especially in dry belt areas, we have undertaken to provide 50 bore wells a year to supply various villages safe drinking water. We have tie-up arrangements with the water diviner cum drilling agent. The selection of such villages for drinking water supply include the names of villages identified and recommended by the respective Block Development Officer. As per our policy, we render close cooperation to the Government organs in whatever way possible. Thus we ensure that we the Organisation and they the Government do not duplicate the welfare activities. Again as per our Norm practice, we hand over those water points to the care of the Union who undertake to maintain them in working condition. In total 1200 deep bore wells and hand pumps, motorized pumps and mini tanks installed of which 60 bore wells provided at the schools run by the government.
Total number of beneficiaries = 6,50,000

Village Organisation & Development of Women

A well trained and well informed core team of 20 women staff are at this service. They assume greater responsibilities in shaping that entire community for their integrated development. The social/community problems are tackled in their monthly meetings. The entire village organization at the instance of the animator takes part in the common cause taken up by us. Any development scheme initiated towards their welfare witnesses their active participation and delivers the desired good to that community. In short, this core group motivates and enables them to take up the leadership to fight for their dues/rights in the society. 115 such women organizations are at present functioning.
Total number of beneficiaries =21590

Home for the Aged (Project Completed)

Peace of Abode, a home for the destitute aged at Pokkadakudi Village in Lalgudi Taluk houses 25 destitute aged people and another 100 destitute old people are taken care in their communities. The program has been concluded since the government has started providing the monthly pension to the old age people.
Total number of beneficiaries = 125

Homes for Children

Our Society is very particular about helping the poor orphans who have none to look after. Helping such orphans, being the personal interest of our President, he has taken great endeavors to get them admitted in other orphanages. But his effort was a failure. Hence, he had undertaken to establish one by himself with lot of hardships at Vinayagapuram and named it as INFANT JESUS HOME FOR CHILDREN and this enable the inmates to attend their regular studies at our High School over there. The present strength of the orphange is 450.
ANNAI ERICA HOME FOR CHILDREN is a special home where 360 children who are either parentless or orphan or semi orphan or children of alcoholics all in the age group of 6 years to 16 years who are also given education from 1st standard to 12th standard. Another orphanage at Rathinangudi with 100 children who are in the age group of 6 to 10 years whom we take care provide primary education.
Total number of beneficiaries = 910

Co - Operative Diary Units

Among the agricultural landless labourers the prdominantly successful and economically thriving scheme is the dispersal of milching animals through bank loans and sometimes with the Government subsidy. The careful administration of 15 such units are yielding unprecedented success among the rural classes. Besides these, assistance is extended towards implementation of Government schemes such as total literacy, one tree a house, family planning, total immunization and total prohibition ect.,.
Total number of beneficiaries (a+b+c) = 38800

House Constructions

Nearly 3800 houses of low cost value have been constructed by us in the last 30 years to benfit the houseless farm labourers. Under the National Rural Employment Programme (NREP) we have built 130 houses in Sengaraiyur, Indiranagar, T. Kallikudi and Alangudi of Lalgudi Taluk. Under Jawahar Rozcar Yozana (JRY) we have constructed 100 houses for the following villages. And often the beneficiaries in this respect are the victims of natural calamities such as fire and floods. When such incidents occurred we appealed to donors aborad and collected emergency aids from them. In addition to that, whatever help was forthcoming from the Government by way of emergency relief and Insurance sum we have managed to put up low cost value houses with the active involvement of the victim community on charitable basis.
Total number of beneficiary families = 21,260

Interest Free Loans for House Construction for Income Families

We are seriously considering the proposition of offering a moderate roof of some worth on loan basis for the small/marginal farmers who would repay the loan in reasonable installments. This sector of the target society has long been neglected and paradoxically no welfare scheme is designed to promote their cause. From our direct involvement in social work for the last one decate, we understand the basic need and the urgent requirement of this particular class of people is none other than a low cost house. With the partnership of Habitat For Humanity India we have constructed 2800 houses in 310 villages under interest free loan.
Total number of beneficiaries = 12200

Vocational Training

For the benefit of the widows, abandoned women and the school drop out girls, we arrange training in trades like tailoring, embroidery and handwork. Each training course lasts for 6 months and we shirt our center to other villages after the course is over. Besides, we also hand over a few sewing machines to the deserving cases free of cost. As trainers we have appointed 3 qualified personnel to conduct this programme.In total in the past 35 years 120 villages have been covered.
Total Number of beneficiaries = 5800

Income Generation schemes for Women Development

DPWA has been providing the women groups financial assistance for rearing cattle such as goats and cows, small trades such as petty shops, wire chairs making and tailoring shops etc help them to generate income for their family. 7000 families involving rural women were benefitted in the past 35 years

Home for the Visually Handicapped Children (Project Concluded)

This programme is specially designed to help the visually handicapped children in the age group of 6 - 16 and they are given integrated education at Annamangalam, Perambalur Taluk, Trichy Dist and they are ably guided and assisted by a team of qualified by a team of 4 qualified teachers in the respective discipline. This program has been concluded as there are no visually handicapped children to cater to.
Total number of beneficiaries = 52

Home for the Blind and Handicapped Women (Project Concluded)

The blind and handicapped women numbering 30 are put up in Dr. Gresnigt Home at Vinayagapuram and are engaged in weaving blankets, towels etc.,. These women are trained in that trade and the income they generate are deposited into their respective savings accounts. We have got a cook and 2 trainers to assist them. This program has been concluded as there are no visually handicapped women to cater to.
St.Joseph’s Home for the Blind, Dindigul
32 blind families are given care and training program in weaving and soaps, candle, incents sticks making trades in St. Jospeph’s home. DIndigul.

Support to Tsunami affected Children (Project Concluded)

We are running KnK home at Vailanganni for Tsunami affected children where 50 children were taken care. We are also supporting another 35 children who are orphaned by Tsunami 2004 and who are under the custody of one of their grannies. We are extending livelihood support of the 35 grannies and Tsunami orphaned grand children as well educational support. The project has been concluded all the children have finished their education and settled in jobs.
Total number of beneficiaries =120

Care for Special Needs Children under i35 program:

Home based training:

DPWA has identified 500 special needs children in the different villages in Thiruvaiyauru and Puthalur blocks of Thanjavur district. They are provided home based physiotherapy, special education and health and family counseling to their parents and distributed with monthly nutritious food provisions every month. Over 150 such children have improved very much that many among them attend regular schools.

Centre for SNC, Vinayagapuram:

We are running a center at Infant Jesus School Campus, Vinayagapuram for the special needs children with well equipped exercise therapy materials providing them special exercise therapy and special education to help them to sit and stand and walk, to hold things, to understand and speak and response to the questions. 43 children are brought to the center three days in a week and are given exercise therapy and special education.

Our Society ever since its inception is totally committed to the cause of the poor, destitute and backward people of the target area covering Trichy, Perambalur, Ariyalur, Karur, Pudukottai, South Arcot, Nagai and Nilgris districts in Tamil Naduwith a special thrust on the upliftment of children, orphans and women. To this end, the society has intiated and has been sponsoring several welfare programmes in different fields. These mutifarious activities have been rendered possible by the adequately resourceful, qualified, trained, experienced and above all dedicated personal under the efficient leadership of our President Dr.Fr.S.Dhanapragasam. He has spared no efforts to put forth his selfless service towards the successful implementation under the following categories.