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We most humbly appeal to our prospective donors to consider helping the following:

To sponsor a child’s basic education
( We are taking care of 926 children)
U.S.D. 200 per year
To provide a house for a homeless poor family
( We have a plan to build 100 house)
U.S.D. 4000 per one house
To provide a water pump in a village
( We install deep bore wells and hand pumps in 50 villages in one year)
U.S.D. 1300 per one water pump
U.S.D. 2250 Per Motorized Pump
To help a cataract surgery for a cataract patient
( We operate upon 2000 cataract patients in a year)
U.S.D. 300 for one surgery
To help an income generation activity of a dairy unit or Goat unit for a poor family
( We have a plan to help 100 families every year )
U.S.D. 750 to help one family