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Objectives and Aims of DPWA

  • Depressed People's Welfare Association has been formed for the welfare of the poor and to help the weaker sections of people irrespective of caste, creed and religion to have a better life with full scope for their intellectual, social, moral, economical and spiritual development
  • This is a voluntary society, established in order to help the poorest among the poor, neglected and less fortunate, downtrodden and people who are affected by sudden calamities such as floods, fire accident etc.,.
  • The society is interested in the welfare of the slum dwellers educating them to keep clean houses, and surroundings, protecting them from the evils of social and moral nature and promoting in them a sense of truthfulness and justice and a real brotherhood.
  • The society will help people approach the Government for loans, subsidies and other benefits.
  • The society aims at educating the people in the villages to social awareness and to overall development of the community.
  • It is also interested in building up a community of villagers on firm pillars of justice, equality and love.
  • It will find out opportunities to help most unfortunate people tapping their inherent talents for the betterment of the society.
  • To establish and administer technical and other educational institution and to assist the students of poor families for higher studies.
  • To establish charitable institutions like Orphanages, Children Homes, Home for the aged, Handicapped children, After school educational centers Creches and other such institutions to help the poor and the downtrodden.
  • To undertake construction of low cost houses for the poor.
  • To introduce income generating units like dairy farming, poultry farming, spinning unit, microfinance schemes etc.,
  • To organize development program for women and establishing Madhar Sangams.
  • To initiate Vocational Training Programs for women such as tailoring, embroidery, knitting etc.,.
  • To undertake social welfare activities like drinking water schemes, sponsorship of children, literacy programs, agricultural program, animal husbandry and other miscellaneous.
  • To undertake Mother and Child Health Care Program..
  • To conduct Weekly eye camps and get the cataract patients operated upon.
  • To conduct periodically general health camps
  • To identify mentally challenged children to train them at our physiotherapy center, to ensure that they improve to lead a normal life.